
Small Businesses and Charities
£500 annually
Simple profile page with 500 words of text
High resolution logo uploaded to site
Up to 10 named employees registered under company reference number
Populate your own jobs/opportunities database
Populate your own events calendar (1 per month max)
2 employees (max) on video careers database
Populate your own project/initiative profile (gallery of images) - max 1 project
Join 10 online groups (max) within the Hot500 (must be invited by careers advisor)
Contact with 1 school per month
Standard monthly report of all online interaction
Generic boilerplate information regarding BESS and 1 photograph for use in annual report/website/tenders
Mid Sized Businesses
£2000 annually
Full profile page with no text limit, web links, downloads, video content and photographs (with support from Student Media team, if required)
Logo and branding (including font, strapline etc)
Up to 100 named employees under company reference number, including avatars within Virtual Reality platforms
Jobs/opportunities database populated on your behalf, including work experience and placements
Events calendar populated on your behalf with unlimited real and virtual activities
Up to 20 employees on video careers database
Project/initiative profiles populated on your behalf (including support from Student Media team, if required)
Join up to 100 groups, and create unlimited groups
Contact up to 10 schools per month
Full activity tracking information (click-through, download, participation, etc) in monthly report format
Content and photographs for use in annual report/website/tenders
References of outreach activity for use in bids and tenders
Business development support to promote your business to others on BESS
Large Businesses
£5000 annually
Profile page completely branded to match website, with social media feeds, SEO, etc
Profile page completely branded to match website, with social media feeds, SEO, etc
Unlimited named employees under company reference number, including avatars within Virtual Reality platforms
Active promotion of jobs and opportunities, including with our JobCentre partners
As SILVER, plus first refusal on relevant school requests for activities
Unlimited employees on video careers database, plus employer videos
Unlimited project profiles, and promotion of your project to other businesses
Unlimited groups, virtual conferences and branded educator tools
Unlimited contact, including active promotion of initiatives and careers
As SILVER, with account management to ensure most effective responses
As SILVER, with content and photographs taken from your own outreach initiatives
References and case studies for use in bids
BESS as a business development tool with ROI analysis and joint PR and marketing
Opportunity to join BESS non executive Board of Advisors
Opportunity to participate in BESS mentoring programme

To help you in making your choice, please read the attached documents that outline the full benefits of subscriptions and the time commitment of subscribers

Subscription Levels

Subscriber Commitment